Eleni’s Third Book! To Be Released In February 2025!
“Why are some people more relaxed and charismatic than others when they pitch or present?”
“How do I manage my adrenaline and nerves when I give a talk?”
“What do I need to do to prepare and deliver a presentation that truly moves people
into feeling and action?”
If you’ve ever asked yourself those–or other presentation-related—questions, Eleni’s newest book is for you. Charismatic Presence– 5 Principles For Magnetic Presentations contains the theater-based performance tools and techniques Eleni has developed and shared with countless coaching and training clients for over two decades in her work as a professional speaker, trainer, and presentation skills coach. As puts it, “This is the best of what I know and teach, finally captured in book form!”
The Book Will Teach You (Among Many Things):
• Five Presence Principles that drive Charismatic Presence (presence that you already have but simply need to uncover and maximize).
• Doable, useful tools and techniques you can use forever to help you stay centered and present in high-pressure spotlight moments, so you can share your message with impact.
• Simple, repeatable systems to organize and create engaging short-and-long-form presentations
Whether you’re a C-suite executive who needs to deliver consistent compelling messages when addressing your team, your board or your customers; an entrepreneur with an exciting idea or service to pitch; or a speaker or author who wants to share your message with the greatest impact, this book will give you the tools—and the courage—to
use your words to change your world!