Learn to present like a professional.

Presentation Skills and Public SpeakngTraining workshop with Eleni Kelakos

Presentation Skills Training – Workshops, Courses, & Coaching for More Effective Presentations

Seeking presentation skills training for more persuasive presentations?

Presentation skills training is a priority for corporate executives, team members and company leaders who want to go shine in front of an audience.  Great speakers aren’t born great– they become great by spending many hours developing their vocal skills, body language and poise under pressure– often under  the guidance of a presentation skills coach or trainer.  

I’ve worked with professionals from industries across the board for communication skills workshops, presentation skills training seminars, and speech coaching to increase persuasion, audience attention, and buy-in for products, services, or ideas. Whether you’re speaking at a conference, delivering a keynote speaker presentation, pitching your business idea to investors, or running a team meeting, I can help you organize your thoughts, create an engaging presentation, and deliver it in ways to hold your audience’s attention and drive results.

Eleni gesturing at Presentation Skills Training Workshop

In what ways do you want to improve your presentation skills?

I want to design better presentations!

Are your brilliant ideas are getting “lost in translation” as you struggle to convey them to an audience or team? What key messages do you want to express? Do you worry that your presentations could be better organized to pack more of a punch? Do you need help using PowerPoint slides in a way that attracts clients instead of pushing them away? Are you an entrepreneur who wants to finesse your business pitch in a small group setting? 

I work with individuals and teams to develop better presentation content, and organize that content in a logical, effective manner. My workshops, seminars, coaching sessions, and online presentation skills training help people determine how to best express their big ideas and structure presentations in such a way that the message is easy for listeners to understand, relate to, and remember.

I want to increase audience engagement!

Do you worry that your presentations are putting people to sleep? Are you frustrated because, even after all of the hours you spent preparing your PowerPoint, your audience members are staring at their cellphones instead of at you? Do you ask for input from your listeners only to receive blank looks and silence? Are you hoping for more energy and interaction from your team or audience during your presentation? And what do you want your audience members to do during and after they hear you speak?

During my presentation skills training sessions, attendees discover how to capture interest, hold attention sharply communicate key messages, inspire responses from listeners, and challenge audience members to take action.

I want to improve my body language, tone of voice, and non-verbal cues!

While you’re delivering your presentation, what is your body saying? Do you stand and move in front of an audience with grace and ease? Or do you fidget? Is your voice too soft or too monotone?

Everyone listening to your presentation reads your body language, vocal inflexions, and facial expressions even if they aren’t fully aware that they are picking up on these cues. In fact, researchers say that more than half of your impact as a speaker depends on your body language.  While speakers may know what body language mistakes they should avoid during presentations, stage fright and nervousness often clouds their self-perception while they are in front of an audience.

Professional speakers and actors have learned to control their fear, bodies and voices to deliver more impactful presentations. My presentation skills training sessions employ the tools I learned from countless acting classes. That means I make sure to give participants a safe space in which to play and take risks, and an experience that allows them to learn by watching, listening and—above all – doing.  Sessions are content-rich, exhilarating and fun– and designed to nudge participants out of their comfort zones and into new areas of self-expression.

I want to enhance my storytelling abilities!

Do you worry that your stories appear irrelevant, ho-hum, or even boastful or self-serving? Are you looking for ways to make your stories more intriguing? People love a good story. Why? Because it’s relatable – they can feel the suspense, and they can relate to the storyteller’s emotions and humanity.

Great stories can endear you to listeners, keep their attention, communicate your message or vision, and even help you land your next job. That’s why learning how to craft and tell a story is a critical part of presentation skills training. The fact is, people remember a story that has moved and engaged them long after they remember a fact or figure.  In a world glutted with products and services, stories are the way we help to contextualize and differentiate what we’re selling, so that it stands out from all the rest.

In my innovative training session, “Crafting and Telling a Story that Sells: Storytelling Techniques for More Persuasive Power,” I demonstrate and explain the value and method of creating and delivering a story that can help make a service, product or presentation significantly more memorable and engaging. I share – and then deconstruct — signature stories from my own keynote presentations, modeling the very tools and techniques that I then teach you. Attendees  present a story of their own, and receive guidance in shaping and delivering it so that it stands out and shines.

I want to improve my executive presence and speak with authority!

Are you in a position of authority and leadership with your team or company? How successful are you at communicating a cohesive, meaningful, and inspiring message? Executive presence is not just about your appearance. It’s about communicating as a leader with skill, sophistication, warmth, authenticity, and influence. Since great leaders need to be great speakers,, presentation skills training is a must!

I work with leaders to develop their executive presence and deliver a congruent message with confidence. I also coach leaders to deliver keynote presentations. Leaders who work with me learn how to influence perception and persuade listeners using space, body, and voice – including emphasis, storytelling, tempo, pauses, pitch inflection, facial expressions, and body language.  

I’m seeking presentation skills training for a group!

Does your entire team need help with public speaking? Would your company or organization benefit from a presentation skills training workshop or multiple training sessions where you can explore public speaking basics, and work on your presentation skills together?

Nothing boosts interpersonal skills, trust, and connection between team members than a group training session. This is why facilitating group training is one of my primary offerings.

I conduct my training sessions using the tools I learned from master teachers in professional acting classes. I teach professionals in sales, IT, engineering, manufacturing, finance, education, customer service, and leadership to pitch and present with greater confidence and poise.

Hire Eleni Kelakos for Content-Rich, Exhilarating, and Fun Presentation Skills Training

The presentations skills training programs I’ve created (workshops, seminars, courses, coaching sessions, and webinars) are designed to engage attendees in role-playing, break them out of their comfort zones, and build lasting presentation skills. I offer group training courses, public training programs, as well individual coaching sessions (for executives, public speakers, women in career transition, and those who need a speech coach.)

I have worked with entrepreneurs who want to hone their pitch, team leaders who want to enliven their teams, and corporate leaders who are presenting to 50,000 people. All of them wanted to turn insecurity and uncertainty into confidence, power, and charisma.

No matter your level of experience, whether you are a young professional or a seasoned executive, I will hone your skill-set and teach you to use your brains, body, voice, and presence to deliver masterful, impactful presentations.

Call 734.622.0522 or send us a message to discuss your next event or training session.

Eleni’s presentation skill training provided all participants with an opportunity to explore their public speaking abilities in a very unique, comfortable and personable manner. Her acting background, business acumen and intuitive ability to assess and interact with participants was engaging as well as entertaining. She has an incredible way of meeting people where they are and making them feel comfortable with the process.

Dirk Nelson
Alliance Franchise Brand, Plymouth, MI
July 19, 2016