Deliver more compelling presentations!

Presentation Skills Workshops – High Impact Seminars for Effective Presentations
Do you want to create and deliver more compelling presentations? Then attend one of my presentation skills workshops!
My presentation skills workshops use the tools and techniques I learned in master-level acting classes and on countless stages in New York City and in Los Angeles. That means I make sure to give participants a safe space in which to play and take risks, and an experience that allows them to learn by watching, listening and—above all – doing. Sessions are content-rich, exhilarating and fun– and designed to nudge participants out of their comfort zones and into new areas of self-expression.
I offer several different kinds of presentation skills workshops to help professionals of all levels of public speaking experience. If you would prefer individual presentation skills coaching sessions or an in-house presentation skills seminar for your team or group, I offer those services as well.
Public Training Sessions to Improve Presentation Skills
Are you an individual looking for public speaking workshops, so that you can finally manage your presentation jitters and give that upcoming wedding toast? Or a solo-preneur who wants to finesse your business pitch in a small group setting? Or perhaps, you know that your presentations could be improved, but you’re just not sure how to go about it? (If that’s the case, here is an insightful quiz that helps you assess where you might need help with your presentation skills.)
If you are searching for one or two-day public speaking workshops open to the general public where you can thoroughly explore public speaking basics and immediately put them into practice, you’re in luck! Because twice a year, I present public speaking training programs open to the general public. I call this workshop the …Drum roll please… SkyGrabber Speaker Summit: 2-Day Presentation Skills Workshop Deep Dive!
Need to boost your confidence and beef up your public speaking skills?
Twice a year, I present two-day public speaking training workshop open to the general public. Typically, these presentation skills workshops are in or near Ann Arbor, Michigan, (which is a delightful town and you must come visit!) and offer presentation skills workshop activities designed to help attendees overcome their public speaking anxiety, enhance their stage presence, and speak in front of groups with fluency, power, and passion.
Here’s what’s coming up!
SkyGrabber Speaker Workshop: 2-Day Presentation Skills Deep Dive!

When: Saturday and Sunday, October 19-20, 2024. 10am-5pm Eastern Time.
Where: Ann Arbor, MI. Venue TBD. Live in-person.
(Note: I do this workshop twice a year and alternate between live-in-person and virtual formats)
A two-day public speaking workshop designed to let you take a deep dive into nuts and bolts do’s and don’ts practices for exceptional, masterful, public speaking. Attendees participate in role play and theatre-based presentation techniques, work on an actual presentation, and leave the workshop with presentation skills training materials (an 80+ page workbook) and newfound poise and assurance in their ability to deliver an effective presentation– whether you’re speaking live-in-person or online.

Presentation Skills Workshops – High Impact Seminars for Effective Presentations
Whether you’re conveying crucial information, or sharing a big idea with a client, a prospect, or to your colleagues, the pressure to present in a clear, confident and engaging manner is undeniable.
You might wonder:
- “How do I make my presentations more interesting, relatable and persuasive?
- “How do I convey facts and data in a way that keeps everyone engaged?”
- “How can I make my Power Point slides and other visual aids work for and not against me?
- “How can I manage the performance anxiety that can make me stumble or keep me from delivering at full capacity?”
- “What’s the best way to prepare and rehearse my presentation so I can feel relaxed and ready?”
- “How do I keep my audience engaged, whether I’m presenting live-in-person or in a little Zoom thumbnail?”
This highly interactive workshop will answer those questions and more, giving you the tools you need to prepare and deliver effective, impactful pitches and presentations with more confidence and clarity. Through hands-on practice, you’ll learn theatre-based presentation techniques that will help ignite your Charismatic Presence, so you can bring your most genuine and engaging self to the speaking platform.
You’ll need to come armed with a prepared presentation of no more than ten minutes in length, and a willingness to participate and play!
Whether they are live-in-person, or virtual (I alternate between the two formats), my 2-Day Deep Dive Presentation skills workshops are limited to 10 people, so that you can get as much individual attention as possible. You’ll learn in the manner I was taught as an actress: Through a combination of discussion, demonstration, and individual, paired, and group interactive exercises—on your feet as much as possible!
Day One: The Foundations of Presentation Excellence
- The fundamentals of Charismatic Presence (The Five Presence Principles— Know Thyself, Be Thyself, Prepare Thyself, Commit Thyself, Turn Thyself on so you can Turn Others On)
- Taming the Fear Factor— preparation techniques to minimize presentation anxiety and bolster confidence.
- Right Speaking and Right Listening techniques for optimum communication
- “We’re Going to Disneyland!”— presentation basics for maximum audience engagement
- Eleni’s Fabulous Fishbone Formula—A simple, modular approach to structuring your presentations
- Taming the Power Point Monster—how to give slide presentations that work for– not against– you.
- Virtualizing Your Presentation– Fundamentals for online presentation mastery
Day Two: Putting the Principles Into Practice
This day is devoted to getting you on your feet in front of your classmates
First we’ll engage in some improvisation techniques, so you can learn to handle tricky Q&A and be able to think on your feet when you get thrown or interrupted.
Then, I’ll teach you how to write a compelling Speaker Vision Statement that will pull you forward towards your goals as a presentation.
You’ll learn The Four Questions— a system of self-evaluation to help you continuously develop your speaking skills in a positive, focused manner.
Finally, you’ll deliver a 5-10 minute presentation prepared for the occasion. I’ll be critiquing your performance, helping you appreciate and build on your strengths, and giving you tools to minimize limiting behaviors.
You’ll learn The Four Questions— a system of self-evaluation to help you continuously develop your speaking skills in a positive, focused manner.
Your participation in 2-Day Deep Drive Presentation Skills Workshops includes:
- A comprehensive 80+page interactive workbook supporting your experience. Attendees say that they use these presentation skills training materials for current and future presentations and public speaking engagements.
- One 60-minute follow up consultation via phone or ZOOM with Eleni Kelakos
- If live in-person: A light breakfast, snacks and lunch is provided.
- If virtual (I alternate doing this workshop in a live-in-person and virtual format): A box of yummy snacks, a Breathe wristband, a journal and other surprises mailed to you prior to the workshop.
Your investment: $1127.00
Past and current clients get discount pricing– Contact me at 734-622-0522 for details!
Want to register with a friend or a team member? Contact me to talk about group pricing!
Registration is limited to 10 people! Spots fill up quickly. Register with friends or colleagues, or attend on your own. Talk to me directly if you want to register with friends or colleagues, and we’ll
Do you want to transform yourself from an inexperienced public speaker to a confident presenter?
Hire Eleni Kelakos for Stimulating and Fun Presentation Skills Training Workshops
Whether you’re attending a public seminar, or inviting me facilitate a training at your place of business, my presentation skills workshops engage attendees in role-playing, respectfully test comfort zones, and instill new confidence for successful presentation skills. In addition to my public training programs, I offer in-house group training courses, online training, and individual coaching sessions.
The group presentation skills workshops and seminars I facilitate are designed to teach you to communicate effectively and embrace your own unique personality and style. In the manner of the professional acting classes that shaped me, I encourage you to deepen your learning presentation techniques by practicing them with a partner or in front of the group. By sharing and facing your fears and limitations within a caring, supportive group setting, you gain poise, self-awareness, and confidence. Plus, as a participant you receive individual advice, feedback, input, and guidance from me on how to handle your own unique challenges in designing and delivering your presentation.
It Doesn’t End at Goodbye.
Just because my 2 Day Deep Dive presentation skills workshops come to a close doesn’t mean your learning– or our relationship– is over. Because I want you to actually apply what you learned during our time together to your real-life presentations, I’ve made sure to build in some post-workshop reinforcement! That’s why you’ll receive a fun, engaging and interactive workbook that supports all of the techniques I’ve taught you. It’s also also why you’ll get a 60-minute follow-up session with me in which we’ll view and discuss your videotaped presentation. And that’s not all: Your participation in the workshop instantly puts you in my “past client” category, giving you special discounts on future workshops and individual coaching. Because once we work together, you will always and forever have me in your corner as your personal speaker-whisperer, there to egg you on and support your growth and development as a public speaker.
No matter your level of experience, whether you are a new professional or a seasoned executive, I will hone your skill-set and teach you to use your brains, body, voice, and presence to deliver masterful, impactful presentations. Doesn’t that sound fun?! I promise – even if you fear public speaking or dread presenting to groups – attendance at my public speaking skills training workshop will turn that fear and dread into self-assuredness and presence of mind.
Can you imagine eagerly wanting to deliver your presentation? Presenting to wild cheers and a standing ovation?
Individuals who attend my presentation skills training courses and seminars learn presentation skills, improvisational techniques, and public speaking techniques that put them at ease while speaking in front of groups. People also enlist in my workshops, webinars, and coaching sessions to gain confidence in their communication abilities and improve their executive presence.
Call 734.622.0522 or send us a message to discuss your needs.