Speak with power and confidence.

Public Speaking Training – Conquer your public speaking fear with public speaking seminars, classes, and coaching
Most great public speakers used to have public speaking anxiety until they learned the art of effective public speaking.
Why is public speaking training so important? Because If you have plans to advance your career as corporate executive, best-selling author, thought-leader, top salesperson, savvy politician, or public-facing professional you need to be able to speak confidently and well in front of a crowd.
Unfortunately, most people are utterly terrified to speak in public. In fact, guess what tops most people’s list of phobias:
- Fear of heights?
- Fear of spiders?
- Fear of chickens?
- Fear of change?
- Fear of other fears (phobophobia)?
Did you just exclaim, “GLOSSOPHOBIA is at the tippy top of my list!”? If so, you are just like most people! Glossophobia – the fear of public speaking – is scariest of all for most people (and here are 12 Public Speaking Tips to Help You Overcome Glossophobia).
When the spotlight is on you, do you shine like a brilliant beacon or struggle to articulate yourself?
Using the tools and techniques I learned from hundreds of acting classes, plus stage and movie performances in New York and LA, I’ve developed an approach (public speaking training classes, workshops, and a coaching curriculum) that immerses participants in the public speaking experience and allows them to play, take risks, understand their discomfort and transform it into confidence.
Sure, you can learn better public speaking techniques by reading a blog, watching a video, or reciting from a book. Indeed, I’ve written innumerable blog posts, created videos, written one book and I’m working on my next one…
But here’s my top public speaking tip ... You learn best by jumping in and DOING what you fear, and then saying, “Hey, that’s not so scary anymore. OMG, I actually like speaking in public!”

What public speaking training, classes, and coaching do I offer?
- Executive speech coaching – One-on-one speech coaching for current and aspiring leaders who want to deliver better speeches and work on their public speaking skills.
- Keynote creation and coaching – Individualized coaching on the design and delivery of your next big keynote presentation– so you can use your words to change your world!
- Presentation skills training workshops for the public – Public training sessions to improve presentation skills including 2-day presentation skills workshops.
- Presentation training sessions for companies – Presentation skills training for corporate teams, businesses, and other groups who want to work on their presentation and speaking skills together.
- Individualized presentation coaching – One-on-one sessions to help you polish and perfect your presentations.
- Online presentation skills training – Webinars and pinpoint coaching sessions for better presentation skills.
- Coaching for Women – Leadership and career coaching for women who want to stand out, speak up, and take charge.
- Leadership Training for Executives – Specialized coaching for executives who want to enhance their executive presence and “own the room.”
- Audience members got tears in their eyes as they related to your stories.
- You articulated your key points with clarity and strength.
- You responded to audience questions with ease.
- Listeners clapped and cheered, and one even said “You changed my perspective!”
- You rocked the house.
The world is waiting for you to share your words, your wisdom and your big idea!
Want to talk about public speaking training options for you or your team?
Call 734.622.0522 (or send me a request ) to chat with me about how to rock the house the next time you take the podium, take the floor, take the microphone, or take over the world.