Recently, I had the opportunity to watch Sing Sing, a film that tells the inspiring story of inmates at the famed Sing Sing prison who participated in a transformative program called Rehabilitation Through the Arts (RTA). This powerful film, enacted predominantly by actual RTA participants, centers around a character named Divine G, played by the incredible Colman Domingo. Divine G is an inmate wrongfully convicted of a crime, but he discovers a renewed sense of purpose through his involvement in a theater group alongside other incarcerated men. The film’s portrayal of how the essential elements of acting—trusting oneself and others, …
Managing Interrupting and Being Interrupted
When it comes to communication and presentation skills, I’m passionate about coaching and training everyone equally. Today, though, I want to focus on an area that’s particularly relevant for women in my audience: the art of interrupting and holding your ground in conversations. These skills can be pivotal in ensuring your voice is heard, especially when it matters most. I dive into this topic in my book, Claim the Stage: A Woman’s Guide to Speaking Up, Standing Out, and Taking Leadership. Let me share a story from the book that illustrates why this skill is so crucial: Vanessa, a talented …
To Amp Up Your Presentations, Banish the Beige!
If you’ve ever participated in one of my presentation skills training classes, you’ve heard me say the following words: BAN WISHY-WASHY! I even reinforce this point with a sign slashed through with a big red line. When it comes to public speaking, nothing irritates me more than ho-hum, sorta-kinda-not-really-sure-what-I’ve-decided-to-do-or-say-here moments. Unfortunately, most of the presentations I see are full of wishy-washy, bland, or what I call “beige” moments. What Exactly Do I Mean By Beige? For those of you who don’t know what beige is, here’s a nifty definition from Merriam-Webster dictionary: “A variable color averaging light grayish-yellowish brown… a …