Eleni's Blog
Audience Engagement

3 Ways to Start Your Speech and Maximize Your “Magic Moment”

You’re sitting in a darkened, crowded auditorium. The speaker you’ve been eagerly awaiting has just been introduced. In silence, she steps up to the microphone. This moment—the silent magic moment before the speaker utters her first words—is almost unbearably pregnant with hope and possibility. It practically crackles with energy. You lean in, ears pricked, breath held, senses on high. What will she say? you wonder. What will she sound like? Will she capture my attention? Or will she disappoint me? The moment hangs, brimming with potential. And then, she speaks: “Thanks for that nice introduction,” she says. “How’s everybody doing?

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Audience Connection

21 Ways to Give Better Virtual Presentations

Giving virtual presentations is a challenge for even the most seasoned professional speakers. However, with a few strategic adjustments, you can make your virtual presentations engaging and effective. Here are some suggestions to help make presenting virtually more palatable for both you and your audience. 1. Be Bossy At the beginning of your presentation, set clear expectations for your audience. Let them know what you need and expect from them. If you want them to show their faces and not turn off their video, tell them. If you want them to participate actively and be prepared to be called on

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Executive Presence

Interview Tip: Dress For The Role

In a recent coaching session, a client of mine, a mid-level manager eyeing a VP position in his company, raised a common but crucial question: “What should I wear for the interview? Sport coat and a nice shirt? Or just a nice shirt?” My response was simple yet profound: “What’s your typical attire in your current role?” “Polo shirts and long-sleeved tees,” he replied. “And how about the executives? What do they usually wear?” I inquired. “Sport coats and nice shirts,” he said. “So, what do you think you should wear for the interview?” I prompted. He grinned, “A sport

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Peak Performance

For Better Presentations, Practice The Parts That Matter

When I played Junior Varsity basketball in high school, I struggled to consistently hit my free-throws and shots from the corner of the key.  And so, I committed to staying half an hour every day after each basketball practice, practicing my weakest shots over and over again until I could nail them nearly every time.   Just like athletes (or musicians, or dancers), speakers need to practice and hone their skills, content, techniques, and material so they can perform at their peak under pressure.  The more you practice—whether it be a piano concerto,  a baseball pitch, a triple pirouette, or the

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Audience Engagement

When You Mess Up: Performance Wisdom From Lionel Ritchie and American Idol 

Do you ever find yourself glued to the TV screen, eagerly watching the latest season of American Idol? If so, you’re not alone. There’s something captivating about witnessing aspiring singers step onto that stage, pouring their hearts out in pursuit of their dreams. As I sit there, engrossed in the performances, I can’t help but reflect on my own journey as a young actress navigating auditions and the relentless scrutiny of industry professionals. In many ways, the experiences of these Idol contestants mirror my own struggles and triumphs in the world of entertainment. The pressure to consistently deliver top-notch performances,

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Peak Performance

To Magnify Your Presence, Step Into The Wild Why Not

In a world where captivating an audience seems like a daunting task, there are individuals like my late brother, George Kelakos, who effortlessly radiate a magnetic presence. Even in the face of adversity, George embodied an unwavering commitment to living fully, leaving an indelible mark on those around him. George’s battle with long-Covid, which tragically claimed his life on March 10th, 2024, transformed him into a living testament to the power of resilience and presence. Despite the relentless assault on his health, he embraced each moment with unparalleled vigor, epitomizing what it means to step boldly into the “Wild Why

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Executive Presence

25 Axioms For Presence & Presentation Mastery

Welcome to our blog, where wisdom meets the stage! Thirteen years ago, I embarked on a journey of sharing distilled wisdom through what I coined as “Eleni-isms” – concise nuggets of truth that resonate with audiences far and wide. Today, I invite you to delve into these 25 Eleni-isms, crafted to enrich your speaking experience and empower your message. These Eleni-isms are not just words but guiding principles to elevate your speaking prowess and leave a lasting impact. Now, I’m curious – what “you-isms” have you cultivated in your journey? Share your wisdom, and let’s continue to inspire each other

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Connect With Your Audience Through Imperfection, Not Perfection

As a young actress and singer navigating the vibrant streets of New York City, I had the exhilarating opportunity to perform the National Anthem not once, but thrice, at Mets games in the illustrious Shea Stadium. The grandeur of the occasion, the sea of faces, and the echoing cheers were enough to quicken anyone’s pulse. Now, you might expect me to regale you with tales of flawless performances, where every note rang true and every lyric flowed effortlessly from my lips. But the truth is, one of those moments was far from flawless. I succumbed to the grip of fear,

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Executive Presence

How To Handle Those Pesky Q & A’s

Navigating the Q&A section after a presentation can be a nerve-wracking experience for many professionals. The uncertainty of not knowing how to respond to questions can lead to anxiety and insecurity. But fear not, as I share with you some insights from my upcoming book, “Charismatic Presence: Five Principles for Magnetic Presentations,” to help you tackle this challenge with confidence. Handling Questions When You’re Unsure When you’re faced with a question you’re not entirely sure how to answer, it’s essential to buy yourself some time. Here are a couple of strategies: Once you’ve gathered your thoughts, commit to answering the

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