Eleni's Blog
Audience Connection

Giving an Introduction? Get it Right!

Have you ever found yourself tasked with introducing a speaker or dignitary before they step onto the stage to deliver a speech or receive an award? The pressure to “get it right” in these situations can be overwhelming when all eyes are on you. It is especially nerve-wracking when you are faced with names or phrases that are difficult to pronounce—something many of us can relate to. Take Vice President Kamala Harris, for example. Despite her nieces demonstrating how to pronounce her name during the Democratic National Convention—“Kama” like “comma” and “La” like “La La La”—mispronunciations still occur. It’s a

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Audience Connection

Kick Off Your Presentations With a Bang!

The Importance of a Strong Opening In a business pitch workshop I recently conducted, I observed a common challenge faced by many presenters: capturing the audience’s attention right from the start. David, one of the participants, struggled with this while presenting his product—a clever device that prevents electrical cords from tangling. Despite its simplicity and potential value, David’s delivery fell flat. His lengthy introduction and lack of focus lost the audience’s interest almost immediately. I decided to step in. “David,” I said, “there’s a way to make your point simply, quickly, and compellingly. Let me demonstrate.” I grabbed a tangled

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Public Speaking

The Art of Saying No

Have you ever found yourself agreeing to a favor or request when you really wanted to say no? Maybe it’s accepting an invitation for coffee with an acquaintance you don’t particularly get along with, volunteering to chaperone a school outing when you’d rather not, or taking on an additional project that will overload your already heavy workload. I know I have! Many of us struggle with this dilemma, often saying yes to things that don’t align with our true feelings or even our capacity. Award-winning professor and researcher Vanessa Patrick sheds light on why this happens in her insightful book,

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Audience Connection

Presentation Tip: Managing The Moment Before

Recently, I had the opportunity to watch Sing Sing, a film that tells the inspiring story of inmates at the famed Sing Sing prison who participated in a transformative program called Rehabilitation Through the Arts (RTA). This powerful film, enacted predominantly by actual RTA participants, centers around a character named Divine G, played by the incredible Colman Domingo. Divine G is an inmate wrongfully convicted of a crime, but he discovers a renewed sense of purpose through his involvement in a theater group alongside other incarcerated men. The film’s portrayal of how the essential elements of acting—trusting oneself and others,

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Executive Presence

Managing Interrupting and Being Interrupted

When it comes to communication and presentation skills, I’m passionate about coaching and training everyone equally. Today, though, I want to focus on an area that’s particularly relevant for women in my audience: the art of interrupting and holding your ground in conversations. These skills can be pivotal in ensuring your voice is heard, especially when it matters most. I dive into this topic in my book, Claim the Stage: A Woman’s Guide to Speaking Up, Standing Out, and Taking Leadership. Let me share a story from the book that illustrates why this skill is so crucial: Vanessa, a talented

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Exciting Presentations

10 Ways To Make Your Power Point Slides Better

Over twenty years ago, an excruciatingly dull PowerPoint presentation drove me to become a presentation coach and trainer. Today, poorly executed slide presentations still make me want to shout, “TURN OFF THE SLIDES AND JUST TALK TO US!” (And yes, I often do this when coaching clients.) Why Slides Matter It’s not that I dislike slide presentations; I dislike poorly conceived and poorly delivered ones. When used correctly, slides can powerfully reinforce your spoken points. However, all too often, slides and their accompanying technology distract from the speaker. Remember, you are the star of your presentation, and your slides should

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Performance Techniques

Stop Preparing And Just Do It

When I teach presentation skills to my coaching and training clients, I always emphasize the importance of knowing their material inside out. As jazz musician Bradford Marsalis wisely said, “If you’re not prepared, it’s too late.” This principle applies to all aspects of life, not just public speaking. However, there comes a point where you need to stop preparing and just DO it. This leap of faith can be terrifying for many people, causing them to remain stuck in a perpetual state of preparation. I call it “getting ready to get ready,” which can prevent you from showing up, stepping

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Peak Performance

For Better Public Speaking, 5 Lessons From The Baseball Field

Hanging in the hallway leading to my office is a large, black-and-white photograph of me at twelve, pigtailed and squinting as a fat softball hurtles toward my outstretched leather glove. I’m wearing cutoffs and dirty white Keds sneakers, guarding first base with every fiber of my being. Whenever a client admires the photo, I shrug and say, “I caught that ball.” It still gives me a ripple of pride. That photo captures a sweet moment on a sweet day when, as part of a co-ed softball team at the Walworth Barbour American International School in Israel, I fell even more

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Exciting Presentations

To Amp Up Your Presentations, Banish the Beige!

If you’ve ever participated in one of my presentation skills training classes, you’ve heard me say the following words: BAN WISHY-WASHY! I even reinforce this point with a sign slashed through with a big red line. When it comes to public speaking, nothing irritates me more than ho-hum, sorta-kinda-not-really-sure-what-I’ve-decided-to-do-or-say-here moments. Unfortunately, most of the presentations I see are full of wishy-washy, bland, or what I call “beige” moments. What Exactly Do I Mean By Beige? For those of you who don’t know what beige is, here’s a nifty definition from Merriam-Webster dictionary: “A variable color averaging light grayish-yellowish brown… a

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